Factors outside of an individual’s control directly influence how consequential a brain injury may ultimately be. The way in which they incur the injury, any pre-existing traumatic injuries they may have suffered and also their economic circumstances and, therefore, the treatment that they can afford will all impact how quickly and thoroughly someone is able to recover from a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
However, there is another factor that people are often quick to ignore which can potentially have a noteworthy effect on the lingering symptoms someone has after a TBI. Research now indicates that a specific genetic trait may influence how effectively someone recovers from a brain injury.
What have researchers uncovered?
The brain requires input in the form of not just information collected from the rest of the body but also chemical contributions carried through the bloodstream. Researchers have found a correlation between a genetic trait that affects the transportation of molecules within the brain and how well people heal after a TBI. The ion channel gene function determines how the body transports and distributes key chemical components. Those who have a family history of hemiplegic migraines or episodic ataxia, which is a condition that affects someone’s coordination, may be at increased risk of poor outcomes after a brain injury.
These genetic mutations can potentially impact how severe someone’s symptoms are and their likelihood of having a severe reaction to even a minor traumatic brain injury. Therefore, those who are aware of a family history that includes these unusual disorders that may need to be particularly cautious when in vehicles and about what sports they or their children play to maximize their health and familial well-being.
Those who suffer a TBI and believe they may have a family history that increases their risk factors for severe side effects may need to also invest more careful consideration into the pursuit of compensation. They may be more likely to require a personal injury lawsuit to fully recoup the financial expenses related to their brain injury.
A genetic predisposition to worst TBI symptoms will not impact someone’s eligibility for compensation when what triggers their symptoms is a car crash or other incident caused by the negligence or misconduct of someone else. Seeking legal guidance to better understand how the effects of a TBI may impact an injury victim’s need to pursue compensation can be helpful for many brain injury patients and their loved ones.