Our Clients Are Why We Fight for Justice
We are motivated by the desire to help injury survivors achieve some sense of justice for what happened to them as we fight to recover the compensation they deserve.
Hear What Our Satisfied Clients Have To Say
Seigel & Coonerty are the best personal injury lawyers out there! They handled my dad’s injury case. Due to the intricacies of the case it took a couple of years but all throughout the time Sean Coonerty fought for us. Every time I called with even the simplest of questions, they answered right away or emailed me back.
If I did not understand something going on in the case they took time to explain it. There is a personal touch with this law group, which you don’t get often. They got us the best settlement. I would 100% recommend them. Also, Kenia, the paralegal, is the best out there! She always went above and beyond. If you need a personal injury lawyer Siegel & Coonerty is the way to go.
“Thanks again to your and your team. I have a completely new life. Though the brain deficits are apparent, I have a great life. I have adapted well thanks to you and Mike and the team.
God Bless you all!”
“Where do I start, in short my experience with Siegel & Coonerty LLP was near perfection. After being involved in a near death experience being run over by a truck whilst biking in NYC I was in shock. Requiring immediate surgery I needed to find the best surgeon to make sure I can walk again. I googled to find the best lawyer…”
to ensure I can get help with the medical side of it taken care of and I found the top injury law firm . However it seemed that they did not care about the medical rather focus on the financials. Frantically I started asking around and was extremely grateful to find Siegel & Coonerty LLP and at that moment I knew that they were on a different level. They were able to get me covered with the best doctors, then surgery the week of. The professionalism they showed was bar none, the level of expertise, knowledge, and skills as a lawyer made me confident to focus on my recovery, guided me through every process, procedure, and deposition.
I was also blessed to have the privilege to have Andrew Siegel directly on the case as well as Michael Peter who was always available when I had any concerns on call whenever Andrew was busy assisting other cases. Unlike the other law firm who had only associates meet with me. Never did I feel pressured to settle at any moment because Andrew was compassionate, and had the utmost confidence in his team. It can be worrisome dealing with lawyers on both ends, however I can honestly say, Andrew was always transparent, detailed, communicative yet direct & straightforward when needed be which made this whole process less intimidating.
Andrew’s team was also extremely skilled, every possible investigative/research was done with precision and the evidence (literally & figuratively) was clear. When it was all set and done, Siegel & Coonerty LP was able to get me back to walking again, and was able to get me nearly 80% of the MAX policy, and on top of that it was indeed what I had been willing to accept. This was all because Siegel & Coonerty LLP was willing to fight for me, and I am so honored and grateful to have had Andrew on my side.
The sad truth is Siegel & Coonerty LLP was not on Google’s top search but rather word of mouth and I wish that more people understands that most injury lawyers in NYC are advertised as the best, but for those lawyers you are just a #. Andrew on the other hand is definitely not your average train car ads lawyer, Siegel & Coonerty LLP is the real deal, with actual experience in dealing with big cases. I was able to get the best doctor ( Dr. David Levine at HSS) and get my life back. And the cherry on top was a winning case. Thank you Andrew, Michael Peters and the entire team @ Siegel & Coonerty for your faith in the judicial system and never settling for less than what is fair.
“Excellent, lawyers are the best, treated me as their family helped me in everything I needed, changed my life from a tragedy to a happiness. Thanks for helping my family I do not know how to thank everything they did for us. I recommend them 100 percent with all my heart.”
Eli G.
“At first I thought the relationship would strictly be attorney and client. Almost similar to your overqualifications and social understanding as a friend, you prove me wrong and took the relationship to another level.”
Alex C.
“Sean Coonerty answered all of my questions and always returned my calls. I never had to chase him down like my previous lawyer. He kept me up-to-date about my case at all times. I found him to be very empathetic and understanding. My case was handled swiftly and favorably. I highly recommend Mr. Coonerty.”
“Happy you were on my side. Thanks again for your hard work on my behalf.”
“Thank you for bringing my case to an end! Your actions made it possible to put this ordeal to rest.”
“Thanks! You went all out and the results were outstanding.”
“Thanks for all the work you put in on my mother’s case. You made the best of what could only be called a very emotional and trying time for the family.”
The Donnellys
“Our family knows that you’ve given your heart and soul for this trial and we thank you very much for that. Most of all, thanks for believing in us.”
The Chan Family
“Thank you for your help with a very distasteful situation. It was very difficult to undertake for me but your skill helped me through it.”
“I truly appreciate all of your efforts on my behalf. I know how hard you’ve worked on this case.”
“I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the work, effort and time you put into winning my case. . . I never hesitate to recommend you when people ask me who I used.”
Shirley K.
“These lawyers work very hard to get you the maximum limit on your case, they are very professional with clients. I give the law firm 5 stars.”
Louis H.
More Testimonials
I wanted to express my thanks in how quickly you handled my case. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to meet you. Things have been a little hectic due to my little one’s health. Again, thank you, the service you provided was terrific.
F. O.
Dear Andy (and your assisting counsel at the firm),
This is just a thank-you note and acknowledgment I’ve received my settlement check. Your diligent and perseverant efforts on my behalf on this case are greatly appreciated. Should I need your legal assistance again, I will certainly retain you without hesitation, and, as well, will spread the word among my peers of your excellent lawyering skills.
Again, many thanks for your work, Andy.
All my best,
Maggie C.
Dear Sean,
Many thanks for all your help this year with the additional issues from my case. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season.
Best regards,
Christine G.
Lina & Andy & everyone at your firm,
Thank you so much for believing in me and helping me in all of this. I wish you the happiest of celebrations and a joyful New Year!
Thank you and thank you again.
Mark L.
Dear Andy,
Just before the settlement check was mailed to me I left for a 6-week stint in Florida. So it sat in the post office, was recently returned to your office and finally, I received it last Saturday.
Thank you very much for handling this matter. Of course the money is welcome, but he process was an interesting experience and introduced me to some really nice people…that is you and Madeline.
I am told that you are now a published author. I wish you good luck in the further pursuit of that endeavor, as well, of course, as your “real job”!!!
Also, wishing you and your family a good year.
Yolanda B.
Dear Mr. Coonerty:
While receiving the final check from Amalgamated Warbasse Houses was very exciting, in made me recall the day of the accident and the many months it took to recover from the fall. In addition, I am aware of the excellent way you, and the members of your staff, took us through the long process. Your patience, consideration and most of all your professionalism, was vital in bringing my case to a favorable conclusion.
Although I hope to have no situations that require your services in the near future, be assured that you will be trusted to handle any that might occur. I am very glad that my son Glenn referred me to your firm. He and I will continue to refer our friends and family to you with confidence.
Again, my appreciation for your work.
Very truly,
Jack K.
When I woke up today, I realized that with the conclusion of our business (in receiving the last of the checks held in escrow) it would be a benchmark that I have been waiting many years to come.
After living 3,603 days in a new and unfamiliar world for me… one built and controlled by medical and legal systems. I now look forward to hopefully accelerating my recovery once I reinstate myself as captain to my own ship. Much like Dorothy in the “Wizard of 02″… after a sudden and disorienting storm, she rises to open the door leaving a black and white world and starting a journey, moving down a path bathed in a world of color. I know my journey is not complete, however I know it will be stimulating and robust in a much needed way.
Siegel and Coonerty’s efforts in helping to lead me out of that black and white world is much appreciated and I am exceedingly grateful for your choice to provide a financial solution to the TBI escrow account. Andy, it was a wonderful extension of the kind of goodwill you provide your clients who you know have suffered. lt is an enormous relief not to have to fight them in court and I thank you all.
I wish all of you the very best and continued good work in helping the many good people who have suffered TBl…. and who’s new mission in life is to regain control And be able to provide a brighter future for themselves.
Thank you all again, for all of your professionalism and creative and timely efforts in handling my case.
Susan T.
Dear Andy & Sean,
Thanks for all the work you put in on my mother’s case. You made the best of what could only be called a very emotional & trying time for the family we feel good when visiting mom’s grave, knowing that there was justice for her.
The Donnley’s
Dear Sean,
I hope this letter finds you well. lt has now been a little less than 2 years since our last correspondence settling the lawsuit for my car accident.
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the work, effort and time you put into winning my case and that I recently used some of my settlement to purchase property upstate New York as an investment. On top of that, knock wood, my right shoulder no longer gives me consistent pain. Although I am limited in rotation and certain movements, I can say that despite some arthritis, I have been able to remain active and working.
I will always remember your response, sitting at the table, when depositions were taken. The elderly gentleman could not remember his own name or where he lived. He rambled on about his wife dying 40 years ago and then taking anti-depressants. When there was a break, I told you that I felt bad for him and maybe this was just wrong to pursue. You said to me “l feel bad for him too but it’s not my job to feel bad, it’s my job to make sure you win”.
There are always things that stay with us and differentiate people from the rest of the crowd. I never hesitate to recommend you when people ask me who I used. Thank you again.
Hope the new year brings you good luck, health and happiness.
Dear Andy,
I truly appreciate all of your efforts in my behalf – I know how hard you’ve worked on this case. Unfortunately, it was one of those crazy situations and required a lot of attention.
Just know that I am grateful and relieved. Thank you.
Dear Andy,
Thanks for all your good help! Your efforts have made me feel that there is some justice!
Let’s hope that if we collaborate again, it will be artistically, other than legally!
With love and appreciation,
Dear Sean,
I just want to thank you for the time and dedication you devoted to my case. I’ve been meaning to send this for ages, but life has been a bit crazy.
I can’t thank you enough for your pep talks and patience throughout the length of my case. You’ve provided me with great insight on many issues.
I had asked Bridget what your favorite restaurant was and she said LEO’s. I hope this G.C. is for the right one! In any case, please enjoy a night out with Aida. You deserve it. You work so hard. Thank you again!
Melissa D.
Dear Sean,
I want to thank you as well as your team for all of your time, hard work, and diligence. Thank you for caring about me, not only as a client but as a person too. It’s been a long road, but here we are; finally at the end. Last but certainly not least, I want to thank you for giving me a voice during this ordeal so that I wouldn’t have to suffer in silence.
I wish you all the best.
With warm regards,
Joana Q.
Dear Sean,
We know you are just an attorney, but you’ve changed the face of things. Everybody here carries your card and we wish you all the best.
Michael T. and the guys at the Dispatch Office
Dear Andy,
Hope you & your family are well. Just want you to know I am thinking of you this holiday season.
I will be forever gratefully for your dedication & hard work.
James my eldest is graduating from college in 2015. How quickly time flies.
At first I thought the relationship would strictly be attorney & client. Almost similar to your over qualifications & social understanding as a fried, you prove me wrong & took the relationship to another level, which makes me feel like a baby in it’s mother’s care!! So I’m saying as a friend.
Thank you!!
Your Friend,
Alex C.
Dear Andy,
Dimitri and I are very grateful for all you’ve done for us. Thank you very much for your significant time and effort investment in my injury case. Thank you for our meetings at our house and for introducing us Alan to us. I am also writing to thank Alan.
We greatly appreciate your kindness, thoughtfulness, and humanity. The decision we made was not an easy one because of your investment in us. We leave open the possibility that we may work together at some point. You are a competent lawyer and a wonderful person. Thank you again, very much.
With gratitude and appreciation,
Julia R.
Dear Andy,
Thank you for bringing my case to an end! Your actions made it possible to put this ordeal to rest. We disagreed on some things in the process, but in the end you responded to me by going above and beyond. You did not have to redo your fee and I will remember that. When I first asked you to help me get the bulldog, I expected you to laugh or brush it off. The fact that you understand why I needed it is appreciated as much as the fact that you got it for me. This gift is a token of that appreciation.
Thank you!
Val G.
Dear Andy,
Congratulations on winning your most important case of the year (at least we think so). You did such a great job & we appreciate it very much. We know how hard you worked & it definitely showed.
We would not have changed anything & we are very happy that we were referred to you. Your professional manner was a constant source of strength for us. We don’t know how to thank you enough. We will be in touch soon. Thanks again!!
With a grateful heart!
Lisbeth, Jim, James & Lindsey & parents
Dear attorney Siegel,
On behalf of Kaitlin, Kelsey, myself, and along with numerous daily thoughts of Tom, extend our gratitude to the very many attorneys, paralegals, and staff who have assisted in this case to find closure on this very long journey!!
I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year!!! And once again Thank You for all you do!!
Be well,
Tom, Bernadette, Kaitlin, Kelsey & Binnie
Thank you for all your effort and hard work. I am glad to have had your help navigating this long road.
S. T.
Dear Andy,
Happy you were on my side. Thanks again for all your hard work on my behalf.
You’re going a long way in the future (present not excluded).
Go get ‘em tiger.
Good luck,
J. C.
Dear Andy,
Thank you for your help with a very distasteful situation. It was very difficult to undertake for me but your skill helped me through it. I still wish I did not have the money and did have my health – to me wealth is health everything else secondary. That’s one thing money cannot buy.
I am sorry about your mom. You and your mom have been in my thoughts and prayers since the EBT. I intend to take some of my Monday to make my own mom as comfortable as possible in her old age. I hope your wife and kids are well. I think we take our health for granted sometimes. Again thank you for your help in such an unpleasant time. God Bless.
B. R.
Dear Mr. Siegel,
Our family knows that you’ve given your heart & soul for this trial and we thank you very much for that. Most of all, thanks for believing in us. You’ve made my mother have a better life.
We wish you and your family the best wishes. Have a wonderful & nice long weekend.
The Chan family