The human brain is a delicate but powerful organ. It controls the entire body and has the ability to adjust to a surprising variety of situations, but it is very susceptible to injury in certain scenarios. Car crashes, falls and workplace incidents, like drownings and explosions, can result in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) that can forever change the lives of injury victims.
A TBI can cause a wide range of symptoms, from memory and balance issues and changes in personality to an inability to regulate subconscious activity, like breathing, without life support machinery. The cost to care for someone with a TBI can often reach millions of dollars when people have moderate to severe injuries that require ongoing support.
Oftentimes, those who have been hurt in car crashes or workplace incidents have a hard time obtaining full coverage for the medical support they require. Thankfully, New York lawmakers are trying to take action to potentially alleviate this oversight in public health statutes.
What lawmakers intend to do
There is plenty of compelling evidence showing that insurance standards fall far short of the requirements of those with severe injuries, including TBIs. Public benefits programs often don’t take the severity of such injuries into consideration.
New York lawmakers have proposed legislation that could help change state law to help those with TBIs and their immediate family members connect with long-term care benefits for those incapable of Independent Living because of their injuries. Senate Bill S1478 could potentially help those with TBIs more easily access care. The bill passed the Senate without a single “no” vote, but it has yet to go to vote in front of the New York State Assembly.
Research into this significant gap in New York’s social safety net could make a profound difference for hundreds of families coping with a loved one’s serious injury.
People go to court when insurance falls short
Until rules change and make it easier for those with brain injuries to obtain long-term disability benefits, insurance claims and civil lawsuits will often be the only option for recouping those major expenses.
Pursuing a personal injury claim is currently one of the best options for covering the major expenses associated with a traumatic brain injury in the event that the injury in question was caused by the negligence, recklessness or intentionally dangerous choices of another. Speaking with an experienced legal professional can help victims to assess whether they have cause to file legal action.